By Sumaya Msah.
Many have wondered how I juggle the many orbits in my life. The answer is simple: Purpose and focus. When not in my Child Protection undergraduate class, I am writing and practicing my next poem or planning for the next session mentoring my young brothers at Shimo La Tewa Borstal Institution. Oooops, did I tell you about the youth group in Kilifi that I am privileged to be a leading member of?
As a beneficiary of the Crime Si Poa reintegration program, my journey has been nothing short of transformative. From the foundational legal awareness sessions which has enhanced my understanding of my constitutional rights and responsibilities, to the organization’s holistic approach to reintegration; offering practical life skills for rebuilding my life after great challenges, I feel empowered to navigate complex situations with confidence and impact not only my own life, but also of those around me.
My firsthand experience interacting with boys in conflict with the law at Shimo la Tewa Borstal Institution provided a harsh reality check on the devastating consequences of substance addiction, and the programs in-depth exploration on drugs and substance abuse has been greatly impactful, more importantly, it has instilled a personal commitment to staying drug free.

Whereas poetry and theater are avenues through which I best express myself on societal issues and environmental conservation, knitting is a hobby that helps me earn my small upkeep.
The skills and knowledge gained would count for nothing if it stopped with me. I engage with my fellow students within my university campus, readily guiding them towards informed decision-making. The transformative journey continues as I, and Crime Si Poa play our role in making the country safer and better for my generation and the next one.