
Healing Hearts: A Psychologist’s Lifesaving Journey

In the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic’s mental exhaustion, Rebecah, a certified counselling psychologist from University of Nairobi, faced a profound challenge that tested both her training and compassion.

“I received information that a friend, grappling with a breast cancer diagnosis had contemplated suicide. The excruciating pain, the uncertainty of her prognosis, and the loss of her once-vibrant life had taken a heavy toll on her mental health. She felt like she had no control over her body or her life, and this hopelessness had led her to consider ending her suffering on her own terms,” she says.

After learning about her friend’s thoughts of suicide, Rebeca approached her with kindness and empathy. She began a series of one-on-one counseling sessions, creating a safe and nonjudgmental space for her to express her fears, frustrations, and feelings of hopelessness. She listened attentively, allowing the friend to share her innermost thoughts.

Rebeca on empowerment mission for young girls in Mathari

Throughout their sessions, Rebeca used a combination of therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness exercises, to help her friend manage her emotional distress. They worked on reframing negative thoughts, coping with the physical pain, and finding ways to regain a sense of control and purpose in her life, including seeking continuous treatment.

The bond between Rebeca and her had become incredibly strong, as they journeyed together through the depths of despair and emerged on the other side, where the will to live had triumphed over the desire to end her suffering. Rebeca’s unwavering support and therapeutic expertise had not only saved a friend’s life but had given her a reason to keep fighting, to cherish every day, and to find beauty even in the midst of illness.

Months later, as the pandemic waned, she gradually began to shift, seeing her life through a different lens and focusing on moments of joy and gratitude. She not only survived but thrived. Her cancer was conquered, underscoring the power of empathy and support even in the darkest of times. She is proud to have played a role in offering hope and healing to someone facing life-altering diagnoses, highlighting the lifeline that understanding and support can provide in the darkest hours.

This month being breast cancer awareness month, with theme “no one should face breast cancer alone’ World Health Organization states that 90 percent of early breast cancers are curable with treatments and self care. In 2022, Kenya’s Ministry of Health ranked breast cancer second in all deaths caused by cancer. In a statement the ministry said breast cancer records over three thousand deaths, noting that about seven women succumb to breast cancer daily in the country.

“Breast cancer accounts for over 3,107 deaths making it the second leading cause of all cancer deaths in the country. 7 women die every day in Kenya as a result of breast cancer,” the statement from the ministry stated.

Rebecca says the statistics can be reduced by giving proper care including mental health care to survivors. She also advocates for women going for screening to determine their status early enough.

Rebeca at YCTC a juvinile correctional service to offer mental support to them

But the journey to empathizing with people’s situations has not come easy. Rebeca says her first dream was to be a doctor as she grew up passionately helping out people with various medical conditions.Top of Form.

“After clearing my primary level, I joined Itoleka Girls secondary in Kitui where I excelled and got admission at University of Nairobi. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I got a letter to study psychology at the same institution. This was heartbreaking but I took it positively and, in the process, learnt that it actually had a mental health factor. I was happy that I would eventually provide health solutions to people,” she says.

After he completion, Rebecca secured a 6 months internship at a local mental health hospital in Nairobi where she encountered different cases, diligently working under the direction of professional doctors to help the survivors. At the end of her internship, she chose to work as a volunteer at Crime Si Poa (CSP), working under the prisons and reintegration programme, offering counselling sessions to inmates. It was while volunteering at CSP that she encountered her friend’s case.

Currently, Rebeca also provides counselling services to children under the community program at CSP. She visits schools and communities, offering mentorship to ensure that children are raised with moral values.Her determination and resilience in her field led us to honor her on this Mashujaa Day.



Hope in the Midst of Silent Struggles

By Levis Jilani 

Time seems to stretch endlessly within the cold and unforgiving prison cell walls where Charles* (not his real name) has spent nearly 15 years of his life. The walls seem to close in on him with each passing day. He was imprisoned for a crime he insists he never committed; defilement.  Communication was a luxury that Charles lost the moment he stepped into prison. No phones, no internet, no letters. His heart ached for his wife and children. He often wondered how they were coping without him. Did they have enough to eat? Were his children going to school? How were they managing to pay bills?  Same routine days on end made life in prison monotonous. Charles had made a few friends among the inmates, but he found solace in the corners of his mind. Bitterness often took a toll on him, and he felt that the people who had falsely accused him did not deserve anything better. He slowly sunk into depression  

However, Charles’ hopes got rekindled with time. Determination to reconnect with his family after his incarceration grew stronger. He started attending a spiritual program within the prison, and soon realized that the program went beyond the spiritual and delved into skills development and psycho education. “I needed this so badly. So much was going on in my mind and I was sinking into depression, I wanted revenge when I got out. I am thankful that Crime Si Poa came in good time to offer us psychosocial support,” says Charles. 

 Michael* (also not his real name,)  says he had been influenced by peer pressure into a life of drug addiction. His life took a turn after being sentenced as he could not access the drugs in the prison, and this made him sink into depression.  During the psychoeducation sessions, he was counselled on anger management, conflict resolution and drugs and substance abuse. “These sessions have really helped me. I remain sober, and on my recovery journey,” he says.  

These are just a few cases of inmates suffering from mental health challenges, requiring urgent help. Data from 2020 International Journal of Health Sciences and Research states that 63.2 percent of inmates in Kenya suffer from a range of mental disorders caused by confinement related stress, long prison sentence, delays in determination of appeals, frustration due to failure of appeal terms and bad reports from home such as one’s family suffering. Charles says that inmates face many challenges which could impact on them negatively. “This place can be a brooding place of survival criminal mindsets because we get different characters with different motives. Some are burdened by poverty and even if released, will commit a crime to return to prison where food and other basic needs are provided by the government. Such people need help,” he says. 

He calls for more sensitization, skills development, and psychosocial support programs to help stop recidivism. “Since I joined the church ministry, I have developed leadership skills and began mentoring others. I am glad that at the end of my sentence, I will be able to positively impact lives with the knowledge I have.”  During a psychoeducation session organized by Crime Si Poa at the correctional facility, Prison Corporal Mary Makena, a Pastor at Nairobi West Prison emphasizes that the shift from familiar environments to incarceration is a significant contributor to the mental health struggles faced by inmates.  

“Some were accustomed to good meals, comfortable sleep, and freedom of movement. However, upon conviction, everything changes drastically, making it difficult for them to accept and adapt.’’ said Mary, adding that inmates engaged in psychoeducation and spiritual programs within the prison have benefitted mentally “As a patron, I have interacted with many beneficiaries of the program. They share their struggles, and indeed, they go through tough times. However, things are changing for the better due to the weekly transformative spiritual and psychoeducation sessions that have become integral in their lives .” Mary explains. 

Hemstone Mugala, a consultant psychologist at Crime Si Poa, emphasizes the constant need for therapy among inmates. Some find it challenging opening up, necessitating one-on-one daily counseling session. This approach has yielded positive outcomes, as many are now comfortable sharing their concerns with prison officers.” Charles, who looks forward to his release in December, says he anticipates reuniting with his family in Kisii . As a teacher by profession, I aspire to utilize the knowledge gained from the program to sensitize young people in my community and also offer psychosocial support to those who may going through various life challenges,” he concludes. 

To support our mental wellness program in prisons, click DONATE 


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Shadows of Innocence: A Journey Through the Backstreets.

It was on a Wednesday morning as the sun began its ascent over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow that painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I found myself on a journey into the heart of a backstreet joint of Majengo area in Githurai, Nairobi County.

I had heard whispers of its existence and activities after one of our partners from Community Pop John, Simone Ceciliani, gave me a chilling brief, a place where the vulnerable of society met and conducted their businesses in secrecy.

As Simione and I headed to ‘Kije’ place locally branded, the narrow pathway was dimly lit, and the air was thick with loud music from all directions. The tales of forgotten dreams and desperations were evident as we encountered an area of people living in the middle of a pub zone with commercial sex workers queuing at each entrance waiting for clients. Open sewer lines welcomed us as we put our body muscles to practice through the ‘hop, skip and jump’ motion. A mixed untold smell filled the air with children running around oblivious of the hazardous situation surrounding them.

My heart ached as I observed a group of young individuals huddled in a dimly lit corner. Their faces were etched with weariness, their eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions – pain, numbness, and a longing for escape. Despite the sorry state, the young men welcomed us as we engaged them in a conversation on the consequences of engaging in criminal activities and drug abuse.

“Life is so tough, some of us here have families but no jobs. Most of us dropped out of school because of poverty in our homes. We have been unable to secure anything meaningful. We don’t engage in stealing because we want to. If it were you, would you let your child sleep hungry when you can get it from someone else?” one of them posed. Well, I took time to digest that but at the same time did not want to judge him.

As our session in that particular place came to an end, and as we moved to the next street, we were signaled to pass by a base that was bushy and with houses built with iron sheets that were brownish in color, from a distance we could see smoke, but we were not aware what was happening. When we got close to the ratchet house, we were welcomed by some young men who were using drugs.

The room was fully packed with almost 40 young men between the ages of 20 to 30 years who were freely smoking Madibi (cocaine) as it is locally referred to. They would fill the powdered stuff into aluminum foil tubes and sniff it to the end. We could tell there was more than cocaine, they equally chewed khat and smoked cigarettes and bhang. The room also serves as a sleeping den during night hours as there was evidence of torn pieces of mattresses scattered all over

The same script of lack of employment and using drugs as an escape route showered our ears. They engage in all sorts of criminal activities to get money which they use to buy food for their families as well as restock their drugs.

The saddest part was the presence of a 5-year-old in the room. His innocence was snatched away too soon by the harsh reality of this environment. His fragile frame was a stark reminder that the destructive forces of substance abuse spared no one. The boy was placed next to a man sniffing “madibi” and releasing all the smoke in the atmosphere. The mother to the boy was idling around there looking shaggy with a piece of cloth covering her mouth while saliva flowed freely. She wore torn clothes, looked confused and sleepy, and could not utter a single word

As we continued with the engagement, giving them our assurance that we were harmless, stories of broken families, shattered dreams, and a sense of hopelessness that had driven them to the edge started coming out. The substances they sought solace in were a temporary escape from a world that had failed to provide them with alternatives.

As they spoke, it became evident that this backstreet had become a refuge for these young souls, a place where they found company amidst their shared struggles. Their tales revealed the systemic issues that had pushed them to this point – lack of access to education, limited job opportunities, and the absence of positive role models. It was a cycle that seemed impossible to break.

Yet, amid the darkness, glimmers of hope emerged. Some of these young individuals spoke about their dreams, their aspirations that had been buried but not forgotten. They yearned for a way out, for a chance to rewrite their stories. It was a poignant reminder that beneath the surface of despair, there were still sparks of resilience and determination.

The report by the National Authority for the Campaign Against Drugs (Nacada) released in May this year states that children as young as six years old are now abusing drugs, something that should be worrying the whole country. It is evident that many children have become passive smokers after being exposed by their guardians. The truth is that they eventually get addicted.

After a whole day of engagement leaving the backstreet, I carried their stories with me. They were stories of pain, yes, but also stories of strength and potential. The journey opened my eyes to the urgency of addressing the root causes of youth crime and substance abuse and providing support, opportunities, and a renewed sense of purpose.

My journey to the backstreet is a testament to the fact that even in the most challenging environments, there is an inherent desire for change. It is a reminder that behind the statistics and the stereotypes, there are real lives with real dreams. As I walked away from that backstreet, I vowed to amplify their voices and work towards a future where no child’s innocence is lost to the shadows of substance abuse. I however need partners on board to achieve this and save the future generation.

For a drug-free society, change begins with you, will you be able to be the voice to the voiceless by speaking and spreading informative messages to advocate against crime and drug abuse in your area?

My parting shot; The best way to predict the future is to create it together. – Joe Echevarria

Cynthia Kawira

NO Time For Excuses – Cynthia’s Story.

In the heart of the bustling city of Nairobi, where everybody migrates to look for opportunities, Cynthia Kawira has been hopeful of gaining meaningful employment having graduated from The Cooperative University of Kenya as a social worker in 2022. 

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Cynthia’s optimism began to wane. The job applications she sent out seemed to disappear into an abyss, and the few interviews she managed to secure ended with polite rejections. 

She is among the growing youthful generation brimming with aspirations and ambitions but facing the unyielding tide of youth unemployment. She however did not get discouraged and decided to take up volunteer work to enhance her skills 

“I took up the paralegal training offered by Crime Si Poa so that I can provide legal awareness to my community members rather than just sitting idle. I am now volunteering with the organization, conducting youth empowerment programs in Kajiado County; educating them on access to justice, crime, drugs and substance abuse, and environmental conservation. I look forward to specializing in counseling issues in legal law, emotional and psychological matters,” she says. 

According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) report released early this year, the number of Kenyans without jobs increased to more than 2.97 million in the last quarter of 2022 from 2.89 million in the previous quarter, underscoring the labor market woes in the wake of elevated inflation and reduced activity in the dominant agricultural sector. The report states that more than half of the numbers are youthful population, underlining the growing crisis of youth unemployment in the country. 

Speaking on Prime Time TV47 to commemorate this year’s International Day of Youth with the theme; Green Skills for Youth, towards a sustainable world, Cynthia underscored the fact that as much as colleges and universities were releasing many graduates in the job market, few are able to secure opportunities, and most end up in casual jobs. 

“Most youths find it hard to accept that they are unemployed after studying hard and graduating, hence feel uncomfortable to work in areas not in their line of career. I, however, implore them to take up the jobs to develop their skills because the job market requires different skill sets; you never know where you may land. It also gives you an opportunity to learn leadership skills,” she said during the show 

Cynthia, however, called on the government to review the education curriculum so that it is skills-based and promotes entrepreneurship rather than focusing only on passing exams. This, she said, would help in addressing the issue of youth unemployment.  

At the same time, Crime Si Poa Executive Director, Mr. Peter Ouko, underscored the fact that youth need not consider skills acquired in technical studies at the polytechnics and vocational centers as inferior to what others learn in university. He encouraged them to take up the courses as the demand for technical jobs was high worldwide. He further called on the government to be consistent in youth-centric programs as lack of opportunities is what forces many youths into crime. 

Pete and Cynthia during the show

Having founded Crime Si Poa while in prison following a wrongful conviction, Peter said that 75 % of inmates belong to the youth bracket with some having been wrongfully convicted. “Crime Si Poa started through sensitization against crime from prison and we used our networks outside to reach out to the youth,” he added. 

Noting that there is a need to create alternatives to address the issue of unemployment, he called on the government to simplify the process of the acquisition of passports so that many youths can seek and access opportunities in other countries. 

Click this link to follow the complete interview: LIVE ||TV47 WEEKEND EDITION || TO THE POINT 

Mutunga is welcomed by family members after his arrival at home

It is Never Too Late.

Stepping out from Nairobi West Prison into the limelight, Benjamin Mutunga is struck by the overwhelming number of people waiting to receive him. The long drive home soon begins and he marvels at the Nairobi Expressway that was built when he was away from home.

The city soon fades behind and gives way to the vast Kapiti plains. After two hours, Benjamin arrives in his neighborhood and everyone, from the local security representatives to church leaders, seems to be walking quickly with joyous faces as they receive him at his village in Muthengei, Machakos County.

Though looking confused on their expectations, he seems excited to be finally back home.

In June 2023, Benjamin was released from prison after serving a six years sentence. What awaited him was not just a reunion with loved ones, but also an outpouring of support from his community. Accompanied by three chaplains from the Nairobi West Prison, Crime Si Poa Wellness Officer Ms. Claire Kwamboka, and Programmes lead Ms. Flavier Mwika, Benjamin lets a deep and joyful sound rise from his soul.

Upon conviction, Benjamin never imagined that he would regain freedom. “I thought about my family, my community, and my business and wondered how I got myself into such a place. I was so devastated, lost hope and sometimes I thought my end had come. However, I came to learn that prison was not a detention place, but a correctional facility, which had many opportunities to help one reform. This is how I got introduced to Crime Si Poa, a youth-centered organization that educates and empowers young people to build ownership around safety, justice, and socio-economic issues. I am glad that they not only target young people but also the older generation,” he excitedly says.

Flavier Mwika says some of the opportunities Crime Si Poa offers to inmates include training them to be paralegals so that they can support other inmates and the community to understand the law and access justice. “We also offer spiritual guidance and psycho-education as many inmates go through mental health challenges during their incarceration, with research showing high levels of depression and anxiety among inmates. “Detention does not derogate the rights and fundamental freedoms all human beings are entitled to,” says Flavier.

Mutunga posing with CSP staff Flavier(left) and Claire(right)

Benjamin actively participated in the psychoeducation classes that were very instrumental in helping him deal with anger, develop resilience and self-acceptance. Prior to his conviction, he had been involved in drugs and substance use. “The sensitization forums in the prison have really been instrumental in helping me stop using drugs. I have also learned to let go and ask for forgiveness following my actions that cost my freedom. I felt equally guilty and pained when my daughter passed away during my incarceration. I thank Lavington Vineyard church for helping me with spiritual guidance,” says Benjamin.


Skills Empowerment Key in Addressing Crime Among Youth, says Peter Ouko, Crime Si Poa Executive Director

Serious violence has doubled, and many young people are dying due to crime related acts including drugs and substance abuse. While law enforcement is an immediate response to this epidemic, creating space for youth to gain employability or entrepreneurship skills is key in addressing the challenge.

A report released in May 2023 by The National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), reveals that children as young as six years old are suspected to be engaged in drugs and substance abuse. The report shows an increased consumption trend among the youth.

On other crime related activities, data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, put the number of jobless and idle youth in Kenya at around 3.5 million, indicating they are frustrated and more vulnerable to criminal activities.

Reports indicate that most young people are able to attend primary but drop out in high school due to poverty. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 30 per cent of the adult population in Kajiado County is unable to read and write. This means that many young people do not gain proper skills for employment once they drop out at the primary level.

Crime Si Poa has been building the capacity of young people on digital livelihood and soft skills in Kajiado county to improve their employability and ability to run their businesses.

“A strong aspect of our work is linking and preparing young people for gainful employment through entrepreneurship skills. With the world moving towards digitization, we work to provide them with competitive skills which improve their employability and income in the long-run. This, in turn, lowers the financial frustrations on the young people and reduces the likelihood of them getting into crime related activities.” says Mr. Peter Ouko, Executive Director at Crime Si Poa.

“We have targeted 30 youth in this Cohort 5, who will go through a 2-month training curriculum which will equip them with basic ICT skills, soft skills, and other employability skills. So far, we have trained 91 (cohort 1 to 4) youth in Rongai with more than half of them currently in employment and entrepreneurship while some went back to school to advance their skills,” says Ms. Phanice Kimutai, IT Lead, and Digital Livelihoods Officer at Crime Si Poa.

“We are seeking partnerships with organizations that can absorb these young people who have gone through the training, either offers them employment or hands-on skills through internship programmes,’ says Irene Were, Crime Si Poa Programmes Manager for community engagement, adding that the students will be awarded certificates of completion.

Growth Mindset Poster

From Trauma to Triumph: How CSP Mentorship has become Life-changing.

Jane’s* (not her real name) life had come tumbling down like a pile of blocks following a rape incident. “I was walking home from a friend’s place when a motorbike rider accosted me, pounced on, and raped me. I just wanted to die,” she said during the interview.

Today, Jane has gone through training in both soap making and bead ornaments, which she sells to the community, giving her a tangible income thanks to the Crime Si Poa mentorship program.

Jane suffered depression following the incident, becoming an alcoholic who harbored suicidal thoughts. She had refused to seek medical assistance following the incident that had left her traumatized, which worried her mother. “That is how we got to meet with the mother who shared the concerns with me,” says Rachel Mumbu, a trainer and mentor at Crime Si Poa who was conducting one of the community training courses on soap making. Rachels says Jane’s story was horrifying, and she needed urgent help.

After persistent persuasion, Jane won Rachel’s trust, opened -up, and was taken through counseling sessions. “The uphill task was to make her feel safe around me and allow me to walk the journey with her,” narrated Rachel.

The now-turned-counselor convinced Jane to allow a third party, Halima Guyo, Crime Si Poa Organization Kajiado County Project Officer, to assist her. They eventually took her to the hospital, where she received treatment and further counseling to overcome the trauma and suicidal thoughts.

She was later introduced to detergent and bead ornament-making as part of her healing process and as a source of income. Her transformation journey was remarkable.

Out of 175 countries, Kenya is ranked 114th in the World Population Review, placing it among the nations with high suicide cases globally. Rape has been described as a cause of traumatic experience that causes long-term outcomes, including psychological and social realms of survivors, which may end in suicidal thoughts.

Crime Si Poa has been creating community awareness to eradicate crime-related activities like rape, SGBV, FGM, and drug and substance abuse. The organization also conducts mental health awareness forums and economic empowerment programs that have enriched survivors such as Jane, giving them a second chance.